This is where you will find reviews of products that are of relevance to wargamers. Please note, rather than give a bad review of something that I find to be not so good, I will only review things that I do find useful or good in some way. Obviously I cannot review everything and to start with there will only be a few things reviewed anyway, however if you produce something or know or anything that would make for a good review please send me details via the contacts page.
As for the product itself, well if you got them from a pound shop they would cost £3.00 so you are already saving 83p and the quality of the products is as good as anyone would want, certainly me anyway. The knife has an extra blade and will accept any refill blades that you can buy at pound shops, DIY stores etc. The tape is a good sturdy design and added to this the whole set is in a very cool red colour, take a look for yourself.